• Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, faces extradition to the United States where he could be sentenced to up to 175 years in prison for allegedly publishing confidential US military documents and diplomatic cables that exposed US war crimes and human rights abuses.
  • A British court will decide on Monday whether to extradite Assange to the US, where he faces charges related to the largest case of leaked classified data in US history.
  • The US is seeking Assange on 18 charges, mainly related to violating espionage laws and endangering national security. Assange’s defense argues the case is politically motivated and threatens press freedom.
  • The outcome hinges on the weight given to assurances from US officials that Assange won’t face the death penalty, have fewer free speech protections, and his legal team is prepared to involve the European Court of Human Rights if extradition violates the European Convention on Human Rights.
  • Assange’s health has deteriorated significantly, preventing him from attending court hearings. His wife, Stella Assange, is expected to be present at the court building.
  • Assange’s family and supporters view the charges as an attack on journalism and freedom of speech, while the US accuses him of hacking and endangering intelligence sources. Numerous human rights organizations and politicians have called for his release.
  • If Assange’s appeal is denied, he could be quickly extradited to the US, potentially ending his years-long legal battle. President Biden is considering a request to drop the case, which could lead to Assange’s release or a new legal procedure.
  • Assange was charged in 2019 by the Trump administration with violating the Espionage Act, and his supporters, including the MEAA and Australian parliamentarians, fear serious personal consequences if he is extradited to the US.
  • The recent attention from Washington, DC on Assange’s case is notable, and his fate could still change with a political decision by President Biden.
