What happened?

  • Student protests over the war in Gaza have intensified and expanded at several U.S. colleges, including Columbia, Yale, and NYU, with protesters demanding a ceasefire, an end to US military aid for Israel, university divestment from weapons suppliers, and amnesty for disciplined protesters. [abc.net.au, infobae.com]
  • Columbia University set a midnight deadline for student protesters to disband, threatening police intervention, and later summoned police to the campus, describing it as “an extraordinary step”. [nytimes.com, washingtonpost.com, abc.net.au, infobae.com]
  • The protests have brought together students and faculty of various backgrounds, including Jewish and Muslim faiths, but have also faced criticism from some who consider the protests unjust or antisemitic. [abc.net.au, infobae.com]
  • Despite the police dismantling the protest camp at Columbia and arresting 133 students and professors, the demonstrators have rebuilt it and vowed to continue until their demands are met, including divestment from companies profiting from the “genocide” of Palestinians. [infobae.com]
  • University officials have threatened to bring in the National Guard and police to end the protest, but the students refuse to concede. [newsweek.com, cnn.com]
  • The protesters are supported by Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine and Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), which is committed to Palestinian Liberation. [newsweek.com, cnn.com]
  • Administrators are facing challenges in upholding free speech rights while protecting Jewish students, and some protests at Columbia included hate speech or support for Hamas, sparking backlash from faculty and donors. [nytimes.com]
  • Columbia University officials announced a switch to hybrid learning for the rest of the semester due to high tensions on campus, and the Department of Education is investigating alleged incidents of antisemitism at Columbia University and other schools. [indianexpress.com, com.mx, newsmax.com, washingtonexaminer.com, nypost.com]

What is the Israeli media saying?

  • Columbia University President Minouche Shaif called to “move forward with a plan to dismantle” the anti-Israel encampment set up by pro-Palestinian protesters at the Manhattan campus and set an 8 AM deadline for the evacuation of the tents, threatening alternative removal options if they were not evacuated. [timesofisrael.com, maariv.co.il]
  • Approximately 4,000 individuals signed a letter to the Columbia University president, calling for the removal of pro-Palestinian students, the firing of staff who support them, and increased security for Jewish students and staff. [ynet.co.il]
  • The Chair of the American House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, will visit Columbia University to discuss the “troubling rise of anti-Semitic bigotry on U.S. campuses” with Jewish students. [ynet.co.il]
  • Jewish students at Columbia requested increased security on campus due to reports of threats, violence, and support for terrorism, and they asked for security within campus premises, improved residential security, and access to virtual classes. [israelhayom.co.il]
  • The Attorney General of New York, Letitia James, has announced that her office is closely examining the situation at Columbia University and is considering filing charges against the protesters. [ynet.co.il]

What is Arab-language media saying?

  • The protesters at Columbia University are gaining global attention. [newarab.com]
  • NYPD maintained control by dividing students into smaller groups. [albawaba.com, newarab.com]
  • The arrests of protesters sparked a surge in campus demonstrations across the US and the world. [newarab.com]
  • The crackdown by university administrations intended to quell protests has backfired, leading to a sustained and growing movement. [newarab.com]
  • Student engagement at Columbia University regarding Palestinian support is at its highest level since 1968. [newarab.com]


  • abc.net.au
  • infobae.com
  • nytimes.com
  • washingtonpost.com
  • washingtonexaminer.com
  • nypost.com
  • newsweek.com
  • cnn.com
  • indianexpress.com
  • com.mx
  • newsmax.com
  • townhall.com
  • jpost.com
  • israelhayom.co.il
  • timesofisrael.com
  • maariv.co.il
  • ynet.co.il
  • haaretz.co.il
  • i24news.tv
  • newarab.com
  • albawaba.com