What happened?

  • Israel’s air defense system intercepted Iranian ballistic missiles and drones over the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, preventing an attack on a major Islamic holy site. [rbc.ru, rbc.ru]
  • The US stated it does not seek further conflict with Iran and will continue to support Israel’s defense, while the EU, France, and the UK condemned Iran’s actions. [rg.ru, rbc.ru, rbc.ru]
  • After the attack, Iran stated that it had hit all the intended targets, while Israel reported intercepting several ballistic missiles and reserves the right to strike with “unprecedented force”. [gazeta.ru, rbc.ru]

What is Israeli media saying?

  • Congressman Ritchie Torres, a Democrat from New York, responded to the Iranian attack on Israel, stating that Israel defended the Al-Aqsa Mosque from destruction by Iran. [makorrishon.co.il]
  • Torres questioned whether Israel’s detractors will acknowledge Israel’s defense of one of Islam’s holiest sites or condemn Iran for endangering it. He stated that Israel’s detractors engage in selective outrage, unable to properly acknowledge the real injustices against Israel while amplifying the fictional ones. [makorrishon.co.il]
  • If Israel’s missile defense technology was slightly less effective or if the Iron Dome had a technical malfunction that night, Iran could have completely destroyed the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. [makorrishon.co.il]

What is Iranian media saying?

  • Residents of Tabriz gathered spontaneously to express support for the “retaliatory action” against the “Zionist regime”. [tasnimnews.com]
  • The people of Tabriz chanted slogans like “Haidar Haidar”, “Allahu Akbar”, and “Grateful to the heroic IRGC” to express support for the action against Israel. [tasnimnews.com]
  • A 23-year-old youth said they came to tell the Supreme Leader that they stand with him until the last drop of their blood and will support the people of Palestine. [tasnimnews.com]


  • tasnimnews.com
  • rbc.ru
  • rg.ru
  • gazeta.ru
  • makorrishon.co.il
  • maariv.co.il