What Happened?

  • Tens of thousands of Israelis have protested in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, calling for the government to secure a ceasefire deal that would free Israeli captives held by Hamas in Gaza.
  • The protesters are also demanding early elections to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, which has faced widespread criticism over the security failure of the October 7 Hamas attack.
  • Netanyahu has rejected the suggestion of holding elections during the war, saying it would paralyze hostage negotiations and bring a premature end to the conflict in Gaza.
  • The protests have been growing in size as the war has dragged on and anger at Netanyahu’s government has mounted.
  • Police have used water cannons and made arrests to disperse some of the protesters.

  What is the Arab media saying?

  • Anti-government protesters in Jerusalem are calling for Netanyahu’s government to resign and a general election. [yalibnan.com]
  • Tens of thousands of Israelis have marched in Jerusalem, calling for increased efforts to free captives held in Gaza and the removal of Netanyahu. [aljazeera.com]
  • The protest is in response to the deadly October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and the ensuing war in Gaza. [yalibnan.com]
  • The protesters want a more equal share in the burden of army service that binds most Israelis, as around 600 soldiers have been killed since the Hamas attack. [yalibnan.com]
  • Netanyahu’s cabinet has faced widespread criticism over the security failure of the Hamas attack, in which 1,200 people were killed and more than 250 taken hostage. [yalibnan.com]
  • The protesters are waving blue and white Israeli flags and chanting “elections now”, calling for a new election to replace the government. [yalibnan.com]
  • In Tel Aviv, some families of hostages and their supporters blocked a main highway, protesting against Netanyahu’s failure to return their loved ones. [yalibnan.com]

 What is the International media saying?

  • Tens of thousands of people across Israel joined the families of hostages to protest against the government and call for Netanyahu’s removal. [theguardian.com]
  • The protesters demanded the release of those still held captive in Gaza and labelled Netanyahu an “obstacle to the deal”, vowing to persist until he leaves power. [theguardian.com]
  • Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered around the Knesset, demanding elections and an agreement with Hamas to release hostages in Gaza. [lemonde.fr, timesofindia.indiatimes.com]
  • Protest groups, including some that led the mass demonstrations that rocked Israel in 2023, also demanded a more equal share in the burden of army service. [timesofindia.indiatimes.com]
  •  Netanyahu has faced widespread criticism over the security failure of the Hamas attack in which 1,200 people were killed and over 250 taken hostage. [timesofindia.indiatimes.com]
  • Israel’s war in Gaza has aggravated a longstanding source of friction in society – exemptions granted to ultra-Orthodox Jewish seminary students from military service. [timesofindia.indiatimes.com]
  • Netanyahu said he was confident a solution will be found, and that an election at the height of war would paralyze the country for months. [timesofindia.indiatimes.com]
  • Netanyahu is entering the most precarious week for his coalition since the war began as a deadline is reached to end the exemption for ultra-Orthodox men from military conscription. [theguardian.com]

  What is the Israeli media saying?

  • Anti-government protesters gathered at the Knesset in Jerusalem, demanding that Netanyahu resign and agree to early elections amid the war in Gaza. [jns.org, ynet.co.il, israelhayom.co.il]
  • The protesters also urged Netanyahu to accept a hostages-for-ceasefire agreement with Hamas. [jns.org]
  • The protest was organized by left-wing groups, including Brothers in Arms and the Kaplan Force, who called for the people to mobilize and save the State of Israel. [jns.org]
  • Netanyahu rejected the suggestion of holding elections during the war, saying it would paralyze hostage negotiations and bring a premature end to the war in Gaza. [jns.org]
  • Protests demanding early elections are taking place across Israel in response to the government’s handling of the October 7th massacre. [ynet.co.il, israelhayom.co.il, maariv.co.il]
  • Protesters accuse Netanyahu of failing to protect the 133 hostages held by Hamas and say he has no public or moral mandate to make such crucial decisions for Israel. [ynet.co.il, israelhayom.co.il]
  • Protests are planned for every evening throughout the week, with the participation of public figures, bereaved families, hostage families, reserve soldiers, artists, and others. [ynet.co.il]
  • Yair Lapid, the leader of the opposition, attacked Netanyahu, saying “There is only one thing that matters to Netanyahu – to stay in office. To cling to the corners of the office. Let the country burn, as long as the office remains.” [israelhayom.co.il]

  Media Sources

  •     yalibnan.com
  •     aljazeera.com
  •     lemonde.fr
  •     timesofindia.indiatimes.com
  •     theguardian.com
  •     washingtonpost.com
  •     jns.org
  •     ynet.co.il
  •     israelhayom.co.il
  •     maariv.co.il
  •     aljazeera.net
  •     dw.com
  •      nytimes.com