
Multiple reports suggest that approximately 200 Houthi rebels received training in Iran from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) at the Khameini Academy of Naval Sciences and Technology in Ziba Kenar. These trained rebels have attacked commercial shipping in the Red Sea, with allegations of direct involvement from Tehran in the maritime conflict. The training reportedly began in January 2020, with a dedicated six-month course for foreign mercenaries, including Houthi rebels, under the command of the IRGC’s elite Quds Force. This revelation comes amid heightened tensions after Houthi attacks on maritime vessels, with international implications for shipping and the global economy. Retaliatory measures are being considered by affected nations, including the UK and the US, as the situation in the Middle East escalates.

Read more: Is Iran directly involving the Houthis in Middle East maritime conflicts?


  • The training of 200 Houthi rebels conducted at the Khameini Academy of Naval Sciences and Technology in Ziba Kenar, Iran, by the IRGC is widely reported.
  • The Houthi rebels have conducted attacks in the Red Sea, targeting commercial shipping, with potential global economic consequences.
  • Retaliatory measures for the Houthi attacks are under consideration by Western officials, including potential strikes on Houthi positions in Yemen.

Contested Claims:

  • Iran’s Denial of Involvement: Telegraph and Alhurra report that Iran denies involvement in the Houthi attacks, while others indicate that Iran supports the Houthis in the conflict. Specifically, the Mojahedin publication implies that Iran’s involvement is substantial, with Ayatollah Khamenei providing support for further armament.

Claims Made by a Single Publication:

  • The Telegraph claims that Iran considers the attacks an effective tactic to escalate the Gaza war against Israel and denies prior knowledge of the Hamas attacks, despite Hamas leaders meeting with Iranian officials. [Telegraph]
  • Alhurra reports a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate halt to Houthi attacks and mentions the adoption of the resolution with 11 votes for and 4 abstentions, specifying the abstaining countries. [Alhurra]
  • Mojahedin details previous integration of IRGC naval training, including proxy forces, at the Khameini Academy by 2013. [Mojahedin]


  • The Times of Israel (English)
  • The Telegraph (English)
  • IranWire (English)
  • Alhurra (Arabic)
  • Mojahedin (Farsi)